Developmental Testing

Developmental testing is used to determine your child’s developmental milestones in comparison to children of the same age. This type of evaluation provides parents the opportunity to better understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses, and may determine the presence of developmental delays.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) says that children under the age of 3 years (36 months) who are at risk of having developmental delays may be eligible for services. These services are provided through an early intervention system in your state. Your child may be eligible for services within Miami-Dade County Public Schools under the Developmental Delay (DD) category if he/she shows deficits within the areas below:

• Adaptive/Self-Help Skills

• Personal Socialization Skills (May include: Adult Interaction, Peer Interaction, and Self-Concepts & Social Roles)

• Communication (May Include: Receptive and Expressive)

• Motor Skills (May include: Fine Motor, Perceptual Motor, and Gross Motor)

• Pre-Academic Skills (May Include: Attention & Memory, Reasoning & Academics, and Perception & Concepts)

Generally, your child may qualify if a standard score of 70 or below is obtained in one area, or, two or more standard scores of 77 or below are obtained. Furthermore, a child may receive services under Developmental Delay until the age of six. At that time, a re-evaluation may be warranted to better determine progress or lack thereof, and if the child requires further assistance.